
N° 29 of Dialogue has been published (November 2011)


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This edition of DIALOGUE is published a little late as a result of the editor's decision to include elements of analysis and discussion generated by the demand for recognition of a State of Palestine presented to the UN General Assembly the 23 rd September last. In the contributions published here it can be seen how this operation is part of the misnamed peace process , already qualified as a swindle , five years ago by Henry Siegman, former President of the American Jewish Congress and which burns down to a tightening of Israel's hold of the West Bank and a political marginalisation of Palestinian representation. Could it have been otherwise ?

The reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas – the two main Palestinian organisations, essentially in conflict for the leadership of the Palestinian Authority - is the object of a contribution of one of our correspondents in Palestine, which shows in underlying fashion, the important role, played by the military apparatus that has governed Egypt since the fall of Mubarak. It is important to recall the particular role of the Egyptian government, which in complete disregard for the democratic aspirations of the Egyptian people, has promised the American State Department to respect past agreements. Can the exchange of prisoners which has just taken place following the agreement between Hamas and the Netanyahu government, be broached without taking into account this angle? We shall come back to this.

We also broach in this edition the “Israeli social and protest movement” which at the time of writing is not finished. Most of the analyses and media commentaries treat it as a thing in itself, as a classical national process. How is it possible not to see here an expression of the profound crisis which is affecting Zionism, based on the separation and the division of Palestine and the expulsion of the Palestinian people ( recalled in the account of Ilan Pappe's book: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine , also published in this edition of DIALOGUE)?

Once more, there is only one conclusion: that of a complete dead end for all the peoples of the region, which is the product of a policy based on the social and racial segregation of the Palestinian people. Doesn't the only positive solution to the Palestinian drama include a single State with equal rights for the two components, Arab and Jewish ? We invite our readers to pursue this discussion.

Contents :

Interview with Loubna Qutami General Coordinator of the PYM
Statement on the September 2011 Declaration of Statehood
By the Palestinian Youth Movement
Declaration of a Bantustan in Palestine
By Haidar Eid
State of recognition
By Joseph Massad
A Chronicle of advanced decomposition
By François Lazar
The Palestinian economic bubble
By Tareq Sadeq
Read and reread The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine a book by Ilan Pappe (2006)
By Jacques Werstein
The Palestinian Reconciliation Agreement : between illusion and chimera
By Hanane Shehadeh

From DIALOGUE REVIEW ( www.dialogue-review.com )